
2020-10-24 天津拉弯厂


  An analytical and numeric al analysis on flexural-torsional buckling of members in combined ben ding and axial tension is carried out.The interaction relations of a xial force and bending moment are established for members with diffe rent uniaxial-symmetrical cross-sec tion,and confirmed by finite eleme nt analysis.At last,interaction eq uation of axial load and bending l oad is proposed for practical desi gn.A comparison is made between the proposed formulae and those of Eur ocode 3.

  There is a security risk in the simplified calculation formula of normal section bearing capacity of prestressed tendons in the section compressive zone in the concrete structure design codes of China Based on the principle of strain coordination,a universal modified calculation formula of normal section bearing capacity for three mechanical modes of pure bending compressive bending and tension bending is proposed.The analysis software XTRACT of fiber section is used to validate the correctness and calculation accuracy of the modified formula.